Rosemary or Maca
The scent of rosemary essential oil, like that of peppermint, may aid boost cognitive performance. Inhaling rosemary essential oil causes terpenes, which are oil constituents, to enter your circulation and directly impact your brain. A study of 20 individuals discovered that breathing in rosemary essential oil diffused into the air increased performance on cognitive tests such as speed and accuracy. Another small trial of 8 people found that drinking 250 mL of rosemary extract water increased performance on computerized cognitive tests.
Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a Peruvian plant valued for its energy-boosting properties. According to human research, taking it as a supplement may help raise energy levels, reduce anxiety, and improve athletic performance. A 12-week therapy with 2,400 mg of dried maca extract enhanced physical and social performance in 50 men with erectile dysfunction when compared to a placebo. In human research, maca has also been proven to increase athletic performance and have a good influence on mood and energy levels.