Unless someone discovers a new way to conceivably degrade rock into minute grains of sand over millions of years, sand is perhaps the most extensively utilized natural resource after water. It serves as the foundation for contemporary urban life since it is necessary to produce the concrete that is used to construct our homes, workplaces, and other structures, as well as other crucial components like asphalt and glass.
Well, as you might have guessed, we are also running low on sand. One study claims that by the year 2050, we may have more demand for sand than there is supply of it, yet we still have no reliable substitute. Because of the continuous supply shortage, sand prices are already at all-time high levels. This problem will only get worse over time. Moreover, sand mining significantly harms delicate natural habitats like riverbeds and oceanfronts. In order to prevent additional harm to their surroundings, many nations have even set a limit on their sand exports.