Second Life Ranker
Second Life Ranker is a renowned manhwa that revolves around an intriguing protagonist with overwhelming power. The story follows Yeon-woo, a young man who faced death but was given a second chance at life in a virtual world known as the Tower of Ascension. As he embarks on an extraordinary journey, Yeon-woo discovers his brother's unfinished quest to reach the top of the tower and become the ruler of all. Determined to fulfill his brother's wish, he utilizes his formidable combat skills, intelligence, and remarkable abilities to overcome numerous challenges.
Yeon-woo stands out as an overpowered main character due to his unparalleled strength, unmatched resilience, and a unique system called 'Player Kill' that allows him to extract powers from defeated enemies. Combined with his strategic thinking and continuous growth, Yeon-woo steadily climbs the ranks, captivating readers with every thrilling encounter he faces. Second Life Ranker's compelling storyline, filled with intense action and unexpected twists, keeps fans eagerly following Yeon-woo's journey towards achieving ultimate power and exacting revenge.
- Author: Nong Nong, Sa Doyeon
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhwa, Webtoon
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 161
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