Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling is a thrilling manhwa (Korean manga) that has gained immense popularity among readers. The story revolves around Sung Jin-Woo, an E-rank hunter who suddenly becomes an "Awakened" after completing a mysterious dungeon quest. From that point forward, Sung Jin-Woo embarks on a journey to become the most powerful hunter and protect humanity.
Sung Jin-Woo possesses a unique trait known as "The Shadow Monarch's Authority," which allows him to control and command an army of shadows. With this newfound power, he becomes virtually unstoppable, easily defeating formidable foes and growing stronger with each battle.
As the story progresses, Sung Jin-Woo tackles various dungeons, unravels hidden secrets about the world's history, and confronts powerful enemies. Alongside his incredible power, his relentless determination and strategic mindset make him an unstoppable force. Solo Leveling is an exhilarating manhwa filled with action, suspense, and an awe-inspiring overpowered main character
- Author: Sung-Lak Jang
- Chapters: 179.2
- Status: Finished
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
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