Shaving of a newborn’s hair
A ceremonial feast performed when a baby is born in accordance with Malay customs is cukur rambut (shaving a newborn's hair). And this custom's purpose is to welcome the kid to the extended family. The ceremony is customarily held seven days following the baby's birth. Today, though, some families want to push back the ceremony for a very long time.
In preparation for the ritual, young coconut with its top removed and adorned with flowers is set on a plate. The ceremony is usually attended by relatives and friends and it begins with the reading of Berzanji and Marhaban (songs in praise of Prophet Muhammad). A parent or other family member then carries the infant in their arms as another brings a tray with the chopped coconut on it. Guests will be approached and requested to cut a tiny lock of the infant's hair, which will then be inserted into the coconut. The infant's head is completely shaved at the conclusion of the ritual. The baby’s hair is then weighed and the family would donate the weight of the hair in gold or its monetary equivalent to charity.