She Is Most Often Depicted Being Accompanied By Erotes, The Gods Of Love
The Erotes (Loves) are a group of young and attractive winged Gods who are frequently shown as members of Aphrodite's entourage. Eros, Himeros, and Pothos are the most prominent among them. Hesiod depicts a pair of goldings, Eros (Love) and Himeros (Desire), who were present at Aphrodite's birth, but later writers added a third, Pothos (Passion), to form a trio of goldings.
Eros is the Greek god of love and sexual gratification. Eros was one of the four initial primal powers formed at the beginning of time, according to Hesiod's Theogony. In later tales, he is said to be Aphrodite's son, either born with her when she rose from the water or as her son by the God Ares. Himeros is the God of Desire, and according to Hesiod, he was present at Aphrodite's birth. He is now also thought to be Aphrodite's son. Pothos is the God of Sexual Longing and the third of the great love-gods that follow Aphrodite. He is another son of Aphrodite or, alternatively, of Eros.