She Was Identified With The Ancient Egyptian Goddesses Hathor And Isis
The seventh interesting fact on the Greek Goddess of Love is that she was identified with the ancient Egyptian Goddess Hathor and Isis. With Alexander's conquest in 332 BCE, the Persian Empire's authority in Egypt came to an end. The city of Alexandria was founded in 331 BCE as a result of this. The Ptolemaic Kingdom was established in 305 BCE after Alexander's death in 323 BCE. The Ptolemaic era refers to the An Ancient Greek state centered in Egypt during the Hellenistic Period, often known as the Lagid monarchy.
Several examples of Greeks expressing adoration for Egyptian gods in their most conventional forms may be found throughout this time period. The Greeks also linked Aphrodite to the ancient Egyptian gods Hathor and Isis. This is not commonplace in a polytheistic society when no religion claims to have a higher level of "truth" than the others. Aphrodite, the Lagid queens' patron deity, was widely worshiped in Alexandria, with various temples around the city. The Lagid Queen Arsinoe II was even recognized as Aphrodite's earthly manifestation, and she brought the Adonis religion to Alexandria.