"Shirobako" unfolds a story rooted in the dreams and aspirations of five close friends - Aoi Miyamori, Ema Yasuhara, Midori Imai, Shizuka Sakaki, and Misa Toudou. Bound by their shared passion for all things anime-related, they launched their own animation club at Kaminoyama High School. After their maiden voyage into amateur anime-making at the school's culture festival, these friends make a promise that will shape their futures forever: to pursue careers in the animation industry and eventually reunite to create a mainstream show of their own.
Fast forward two and a half years, Aoi and Ema have realized part of their dream by securing positions at the prestigious Musashino Animation production company. However, the journey isn't as smooth for the others. Shizuka grapples with the challenge of gaining recognition as a voice actor, Misa's career designing 3D models for an automobile company feels stable but unfulfilling, and Midori is a university student determined to chase her dream of becoming a writer. This diverse group of friends soon discovers that the path to success in the animation industry is anything but straightforward.
Their individual pursuits, challenges, and triumphs make for a compelling narrative in "Shirobako" that highlights the various facets of the anime industry. A tale of dreams, perseverance, and the eccentric creativity that often fuels this vibrant world, the anime deserves to be lauded as one of the best animes by P. A Works Studio.
Release: 2014
MyAnimeList Score: 8.28/10