Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath is often a typical symptom of heart or lung disease. Heart disease and coronary artery disease are two cardiovascular diseases that often cause shortness of breath. In the human body, the heart and lungs are closely related. For instance, breathing difficulties are frequently brought on by fluid buildup in the right heart or lungs. To offset the strain, the heart must beat more quickly. In order to ensure that the blood traveling to the lungs receives adequate oxygen before returning to the heart to be pumped around the body, the lungs must work harder when the heart beats more quickly than usual.
Shortness of breath is a common symptom of heart failure patients and it usually worsens after exercise or during severe activity. Patients with heart failure often have more difficulty breathing when lying down and must sit up to breathe. Due to a rapid decline in the heart's capacity to contract, which interferes with the process of pumping blood from the heart to the lungs and makes breathing difficult, this shortness of breath usually happens at night while you are asleep.