Snakes are carnivorous, elongated, limbless reptiles that belong to the Serpentes suborder. Snakes are ectothermic, amniote animals with scales that overlap, just like all other squamates. Many snake species have more joints in their skulls than their lizard ancestors had, allowing them to swallow prey that is much larger than their heads (cranial kinesis).
The majority of snake species lack venom, and those that have to tend to employ it to kill and subjugate prey rather than defend themselves. Some are capable of killing humans or inflicting serious injuries on them with their venom. Snakes that lack venom either choke their prey to death or devour it whole.
Snakes can readily overpower and consume lizards through a constriction or venomous bites. A snake will attack and prey on a lizard if its size is similar to that of the prey, as it does in other situations, making snakes one of the main predators of lizards.