Air-breathing arthropods having eight legs, chelicerae with fangs typically able to inject venom, and spinnerets that extrude silk are known as spiders (order Araneae). They are the largest group of arthropods and have the seventh-highest species diversity of any group of living things. Except for Antarctica, every continent has spiders, and they have spread to almost every type of land environment.
Predators of lizards that eat lizards are spiders. Bigger spiders frequently attack smaller lizards, yet they are able to successfully protect themselves by running away quickly. Spiders can be duped by camouflage to avoid noticing the lizards.
It's interesting to note that the smaller-than-a-tenth-of-an-ounce regal jumping spider can consume larger reptiles and insects. Studies show that this predator of lizards can eat lizards three times its own size.