Sorting and Searching Algorithms (Animation Based) - Python
Through live animation, you will learn about the most common sorting and searching algorithms in this course. This course includes visualizations of sorting algorithms and visualizations of searching techniques. When you want to sort an array, or arrange items in a certain order, you must use sorting algorithms, and when you want to discover a specific element inside an array, you must use a searching method.
Illustrations and live animation are used to enhance this lesson. All of the specifics for sorting an array or looking for a certain element are covered. Heap sort, rapid sort, merge sort, selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, bucket sort, counting sort, radix sort, linear search, and binary search are all covered in this course. Anyone who is interested in algorithms should take this course.
Python is the primary programming language. However, just rudimentary programming abilities are necessary. All lectures start from the beginning, so don't worry if you don't believe your prior knowledge is sufficient for this lesson. In fact, both implementation and examples are presented in a straightforward manner. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to inquire.
- Basic Understanding of python programmimng language
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who is interested in learning sorting and searching algorithms
Course Rating: 4.4/5
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