A good pot of chicken soup is always welcome, especially in the winter. This application works best if you have leftover chicken from a whole bird because the bones can be used to make a tasty homemade broth. If not, don't worry; you can simply chop up your chicken meat and add it to store-bought broth, or even water if you're in a pinch. Soup is great for getting rid of all kinds of leftovers, as well as vegetables that have been sitting in the fridge for too long and are starting to look sad. Nothing clears out your fridge like a big batch of chicken and vegetable soup.
You don't have to stick to tried-and-true dishes like chicken noodle soup. Make some chicken pozole if you want something with a little chile kick. If you want to go Asian, a quick riff on chicken pho or ramen would be delicious. Simply open your refrigerator and see where your ingredients lead you.