Spirit Sword Sovereign
Spirit Sword Sovereign is a Chinese animated television series that premiered in 2019 and has a total of 305 episodes as of September 2023.
The show is based on the manhua work of the same name, written by Guowang Bixia and illustrated by Bai Mao. The story follows the journey of Ling Jian Zun, a young man who dreams of changing the world. He sets out to explore the world and find rare treasures, martial arts, and lost caves. The show is set in an era of genius, full of challenges and opportunities.
The series has been praised for its stunning animation quality, intricate plot, and character development. If you are interested in watching this series, you can find it on various streaming platforms.
- Released date: January 15, 2019
- Developed by: Soyep Anime
- Number of episodes: 305
- Watch here: https://9anime.se/watch/ling-jian-zun-3673