Spirited Away
"Spirited Away" is a renowned anime film created by the legendary Studio Ghibli and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Released in 2001, it has earned international acclaim for its enchanting story, breathtaking animation, and profound themes.
The film follows Chihiro Ogino, a young girl who, while moving to a new town with her parents, stumbles upon a mysterious and abandoned amusement park. When her parents are transformed into pigs after indulging in a feast meant for spirits, Chihiro must navigate a parallel spirit world filled with enigmatic creatures, gods, and spirits. To save her parents and return to the human world, Chihiro works at a bathhouse for spirits, facing numerous challenges and growing as a person along the way.
"Spirited Away" is celebrated for its rich symbolism and exploration of themes like identity, environmentalism, and the courage to face the unknown. It received numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2003, and remains a masterpiece cherished by audiences of all ages for its captivating storytelling and stunning visual artistry.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Hayao Miyazaki
Aired: Jul 20, 2001
Running times: 125 minutes
MAL rating: 8.78