Sword Story (Katanagatari)
"Katanagatari" is a unique and visually striking anime series that originally aired in 2010. Adapted from a light novel series by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Take, it stands out for its compelling storytelling and distinctive art style.
The story revolves around Shichika Yasuri, the seventh head of the Kyotouryuu martial arts school, and Togame, a strategist from the shogunate. Togame enlists Shichika's help in collecting twelve legendary swords known as the Deviant Blades. Each episode follows the pair's journey to retrieve one of these swords, taking them on adventures filled with unique characters and challenging battles.
Despite its unconventional format of 12 episodes, each double-length, "Katanagatari" has earned a dedicated following for its storytelling depth and visually arresting presentation, making it a must-watch for fans of action and character-driven anime.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Keitarō Motonaga
Aired: Jan 26, 2010 to Dec 11, 2010
Episodes: 12
Episode Duration: Approximately 50 minutes per episode
MAL Rating: 8.31