
Stanford University is where Robert Witte received his Ph.D. He is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at San Jose State University, where he taught statistics courses for over three decades. He has a number of peer-reviewed journal publications, as well as several nationally competitive research grants and a post-doctoral Research Fellowship at Indiana University.

John Witte is an Epidemiology and Biostatistics Professor at the University of California, San Francisco. He earned his doctorate from the University of California, Los Angeles, and has previously taught at the University of Southern California and Case Western Reserve University. He has over 150 papers to his credit, and his research focuses primarily on statistical genetics and the genetic epidemiology of cancer.

Statistics, 11th Edition authors draw on over 40 years of experience to provide business professionals with a clear and methodical approach to essential statistical procedures. The text explains the fundamental concepts and procedures of descriptive and inferential statistical analysis in detail. It emphasizes expressions involving sums of squares and degrees of freedom, as well as the significance of variability. This approachable approach will assist business professionals in tackling perennially perplexing topics such as standard deviation, variance interpretation of the correlation coefficient, hypothesis tests, degrees of freedom, p-values, and effect size estimates.

Author: Robert Witte and John Witte

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