Statistics in Plain English

Timothy C. Urdan is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Santa Clara University. In 1994, he earned his Ph.D. in Education and Psychology from the University of Michigan, where he also received several honors, including the School of Education Merit Award, the Horace H. Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, and the Burke Aaron Hinsdale Scholar. He has been a member of the editorial boards of Contemporary Educational Psychology and the Journal of Educational Psychology since 2001.

This low-cost paperback provides a brief, straightforward overview of statistics to help readers gain a better understanding of how statistics work and how to correctly interpret them. Each chapter describes a different statistical technique, ranging from fundamental concepts like central tendency and distribution description to more advanced concepts like t tests, regression, repeated measures ANOVA, and factor analysis. Each chapter begins with a brief overview of the statistic and when it should be applied. Following that is a more detailed explanation of how the statistic works. Finally, each chapter concludes with an example of the statistic in use and a sample of how the results of statistical analyses might be written up for publication. There is also a glossary of statistical terms and symbols.

The third edition of Statistics in Plain English includes the following new features:

  • a new chapter on Factor and Reliability Analysis, which will be especially useful to those who conduct and/or read survey research
  • new "Writing it Up" sections that demonstrate how to write about and interpret statistics seen in books and journals
  • a website at with PowerPoint presentations, interactive problems (including an overview of the problem's solution for Instructors)
  • an IBM SPSS dataset for practice, and videos of the author
  • new section on understanding data distribution to help readers understand how to use and interpret graphs
  • many more examples, tables, and charts to help students visualize key concepts

Statistics in Plain English, Third Edition is an excellent supplement for statistics, research methods, and/or statistics-related courses taught at the undergraduate or graduate level, as well as a reference tool for anyone looking to refresh their memory on key statistical concepts. Examples of research come from psychology, education, and other social and behavioral sciences.

Author: Timothy C. Urdan

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#2,067 in Probability & Statistics (Books)

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