Straw Doll Manipulation
Nobara Kugisaki employs the Straw Doll Technique, which comes naturally to her. It is also one of the best cursed techniques from "Jujutsu Kaisen". A toolbox consisting of a hammer, nails, and a straw doll that may be improved by the user's cursed energy is used in the Straw Doll Manipulation technique. The Nobara Kujisaki can curse nails and levitate them in the air at will thanks to Straw Doll Manipulation. By being struck with a hammer, these nails are propelled forward as missiles and fired at the user's objective.
These nails are struck with a hammer and launched as projectiles into the user's intended target. The nails are suspended in midair by the cursed energy, making it simple for the user to strike the victim with them. Once the user has made contact with the intended target, the straw doll serves as a proxy for that person. Resonance allows the user to simultaneously penetrate the straw doll with nails and their intended target. As long as the user has a piece of their target to form a connection, the Straw Doll Technique has an indefinite range.
Nobara learned the Straw Doll Technique from her grandmother and has refined it to the point where she can use it as her primary means of combat. She typically utilizes it to battle at medium to long range, striking her opponents with her hammer to launch nails at them. Black Flash is also compatible with the Straw Doll Technique. Nobara was able to apply her cursed energy to her opponent via her nail at just the correct time to unleash the sparks of black by concentrating with amazing focus.
User: Nobara Kugisaki