Study Group
"Study Group" is an exciting manhwa created by the talented duo of Hyungwuk Shin and Seungyeon Ryu. With their combined efforts, they have crafted a captivating story that draws readers into the world of a group of students who form a study group. The plot centers on a varied group of students who establish a study club to encourage and support one another in their academic endeavors. A vibrant and realistic ensemble cast is produced by each character bringing to the table their own skills, faults, and personal difficulties.
The study group faces not only academic demands but also social and personal problems as they traverse the difficulties of school life. The manhwa examines the difficulties of friendship, competition, self-discovery, and dream-pursuit. The characters develop and learn from their shared experiences, and they also find comfort in the help and companionship of their study group. With realistic depictions of familiar circumstances and feelings, "Study Group" captures the essence of student life and connects with readers. The manhwa gives a genuine and emotional representation of the joys and hardships encountered by students, from the pressure of examinations and the pursuit of academic achievement to the ups and downs of relationships and personal growth.
"Study Group" immerses readers in the lives of these youngsters through its compelling storyline and well-rounded characters, promoting empathy and a sense of connection. "Study Group" offers a fun and realistic reading experience, regardless of whether you're a student yourself or just like reading about personal development and interpersonal interactions.
Author & Illustrator: Hyungwuk Shin , Seungyeon Ryu
Genres: Slice of Life, School, Drama
Chapters: 96
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