Swains Island

Swains Island is a small coral atoll in the Tokelau Islands of the South Pacific Ocean. Tokelau and the United States have had a territorial dispute over the island since 1925, when it was administered as part of American Samoa. The sanctuary encompasses a little more than 52 square miles of water surrounding Swains Island.

Researchers have discovered high coral cover and diversity in these waters, as well as large schools of predators, mostly barracudas, as well as jacks and snappers. In the nearshore waters, sharks and schools of bump head wrasse are common sights. Swain has a higher concentration of dogtooth tuna than the rest of American Samoa. Swains Island is known for its high levels of coral cover, fish biomass, and diversity. Swains Island is a low-lying coral atoll that was added to the sanctuary for protection in 2012 at the request of the Jennings family.

Location: Swains Island, American Samoa


Top 6 Best Dive Sites in American Samoa

  1. top 1 Fagatele Bay
  2. top 2 Fogama’a
  3. top 3 Aunu’u Island
  4. top 4 Swains Island
  5. top 5 Ta'u Island
  6. top 6 Muliāva (Rose Atoll)

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