Ta'u Island

Ta'u Island, considered among the best dive sites in American Samoa is located 70 miles east of Tutuila and 6.9 miles southeast of Olosega, and is part of the Manu'a Island group. The Ta'u Management Area covers about 14.6 square miles and includes both nearshore and deep waters from Si'ufa'alele Point south along the western coast, as well as deep waters beginning 0.25 mile offshore, adjacent to the nearshore waters of American Samoa's National Park, along the southern coast between Si'ufa'alele Point and Si'u Point.

The waters surrounding the tiny island of Ta'u are home to some of the world's oldest and most massive coral heads. Massive Porites coral heads can be found in the shallow waters off the southwestern coast of the island, just offshore of Afuli Cove. These massive colonies are among the world's oldest and largest known corals. The western side of Ta'u's southern coast has a unique coral community and is a regional hotspot for coral and fish diversity. The sanctuary acts as a deep-water buffer zone for the national park's marine areas while also providing nearshore and reef protection around the Porites coral heads.

Location: American Samoa, southwestern Pacific Ocean


Top 6 Best Dive Sites in American Samoa

  1. top 1 Fagatele Bay
  2. top 2 Fogama’a
  3. top 3 Aunu’u Island
  4. top 4 Swains Island
  5. top 5 Ta'u Island
  6. top 6 Muliāva (Rose Atoll)

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