Although bread is not unique to Tajikistan, it is so important in Tajik cuisine that it has almost religious significance. A meal is incomplete without a piece of bread, and there are numerous myths surrounding this common food. For example, you should not use a knife, and putting it upside down will bring you bad luck.
Tajikistan's most popular bread is Tajik naan. In a tandoor oven, a flatbread made of wheat dough and yoghurt is baked. This bread is widely available in markets across Tajikistan, but it is not the only option.
In fact, bread is so important in Tajik cuisine that it has its own type for each occasion. Girdacha (the largest flatbread baked in a tandoor oven), fatir (a flaky flatbread cooked in oil), and kulcha are some examples (fluffy flatbread).