Takoyaki, a delightful treat originating in Japan, has garnered widespread popularity in the bustling streets of Myeongdong. These savory, round-shaped balls are made from a batter filled with octopus and other delectable ingredients. The cooking process involves using a special griddle, resulting in a crispy exterior and a soft, flavorful center.
To prepare Takoyaki, a batter is made using wheat flour, eggs, dashi (a Japanese cooking stock), and various seasonings. The batter is then poured into evenly spaced indentations on a takoyaki griddle. After that, tender pieces of octopus are placed in the center of each mold to serve as fillings. Additional ingredients, such as tempura scraps, green onion, or pickled ginger, may also be added for extra flavor and texture.
As the Takoyaki cooks, the skilled vendor uses special tools to flip the partially cooked balls, achieving an even and golden-brown crust. This process requires precision and attention to ensure that the takoyaki are perfectly cooked. Once cooked, the takoyaki are transferred to a plate and generously drizzled with a tangy takoyaki sauce, similar to Worcestershire sauce. To add a finishing touch, bonito flakes are sprinkled over the top, creating a visually dynamic dish that dances and flutters with the heat.