Teenage Mercenary
"Teenage Mercenary" is a gripping and powerful manhwa that chronicles the narrative of Ijin Yu, a juvenile plane accident survivor who returns to Korea after ten years as a kid mercenary. This riveting series dives into the difficulties Ijin encounters as he transitions from a life of survival to that of a typical adolescent.
As he utilizes his acquired survival techniques in this new arena, his struggle to adapt to the unfamiliar area of high school provides a compelling and action-packed tale. "Teenage Mercenary" blends aspects of action, survival, and teenage drama to create an engrossing and one-of-a-kind book. This manhwa delivers a novel and intriguing viewpoint on the concept of survival and adaptation through its captivating tale and dynamic characters.
- Authors: YC, Rakyeon
- Genre: Action
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 145
- Read here: https://shorturl.at/cdfkF