Your Throne
"Your Throne" is a captivating manhwa that delves into the complex dynamics of the Vasilios Empire, governed by the powerful Imperial Family and the Temple. The narrative revolves around Lady Medea Solon, who finds herself displaced from her position beside Crown Prince Eros.
Determined to regain her rightful place, Lady Medea ventures into a world filled with tension, secrets, and political intrigue. As she navigates the intricate power struggles of the kingdom, her unwavering resolve to reclaim her throne propels the story forward.
With its richly layered plot and compelling characters, "Your Throne" offers readers a gripping tale of ambition, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of power. This manhwa promises an enthralling journey through a realm where loyalty, betrayal, and ambition collide.
- Author: SAM
- Genre: Fantasy
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 178
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