The Boy Next Door
The Boy Next Door is a South Korean mini-series that aired in 2017, focusing on two college students, Park Kyu Tae and Sung Gi Jae, who happen to be neighbors. Initially disliking each other, a twist of fate compels them to share a living space.
Their encounters are frequent and perpetually awkward. Soon, they realize their connection through a mutual friend named Min Ah. This discovery leads to a string of amusing and awkward situations.
The storyline takes a turn as these situations create a misunderstanding among Min Ah, her boyfriend Hyung, and others, making them believe that Kyu Tae and Gi Jae are gay. This misconception becomes the central theme of the series, resulting in comedic relief and entertaining scenarios.
The Boy Next Door is a cheerful comedy that delves into themes of friendship, misunderstandings, and the intricacies of relationships. Its distinctive plot and humorous twists have contributed to its popularity among viewers.
- Release date: April 3, 2017
- Produced by: Naver TV Cast
- Genres: Comedy
- Director: Il-han Yoo
- Stars: Park Soo-young, Enrico Dennis, Choi Woo-sik
- Number or seasons: 1
- Number of episodes: 15
- IMDb rating: 8.0/10
- Watch here: