The Devil Is a Part-Timer
"The Devil Is a Part-Timer!" (Hataraku Maou-sama!) is an anime series based on the light novel series written by Satoshi Wagahara and illustrated by 029. The anime adaptation was produced by White Fox and aired from April to June 2013. Satan, the king of the demon world, is vanquished by Emilia, the protagonist of "The Devil Is a Part-Timer!" and is forced to flee to contemporary Tokyo. Satan adopts the guise of Sadao Maou and holds a part-time job at McDonald's in order to survive in the realm of humans.
Sadao meets Emi, who is also a resident of Tokyo and is trying to end him once and for all, while he gets used to his new existence on Earth. But for a variety of reasons, Emi now finds herself sharing an apartment complex with Sadao. The comedy scenarios that develop as a result of the characters' interactions and struggles to reconcile their regular lives with their supernatural origins are the series' main focus.
The eerie, comedy, fantasy, and aspects of romance are all combined in "The Devil Is a Part-Timer!" It highlights the differences between the human and demonic worlds as well as the character growth and development as they go about their daily lives. The show takes a fun, lighthearted approach to the collision of dream and reality. The contrast of the supernatural and real worlds, together with its humorous moments and likeable characters, make "The Devil Is a Part-Timer!" a satisfying and engaging watch overall.
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
Original Work: Light novel series by Satoshi Wagahara
Director: Naoto Hosoda
Episodes: 13
Episode Duration: Approximately 24 minutes per episode
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