The Historic Mint
Top 5 in Top 10 Best Restaurants In Colorado

The Mint may not be as well-known as some of the other Colorado restaurants described here, but it is a genuine historical gem that provides contemporary diners with an unforgettable dining experience. The Historic Mint, unlike Mongolian barbecue places, allows you to prepare your own meat on a grill in the center of the restaurant. While this restaurant could easily get away with its remarkable historical past, it instead attempts to provide clients with a gratifying, friendly experience complete with premium meats and delectable cocktails at rates that are likely lower than you'd anticipate.
The bar area of the Mint's structure has seen more Summit County history than "any living individual," according to the website. The bar, which had been a mountain tavern serving miners in the settlement of Kokomo, was demolished and relocated to Frisco. It's unclear how or why this happened, but it was the first of many significant adjustments the establishment would go through over the years. After being incorporated into the town of Dillon in 1882, the tavern changed its name from Jack Ryan's Saloon to The Mint.
The Mint was a popular local bar renowned for excessive drinking, card games, and pool. It survived multiple fires and snow blockades on Dillon's main street until the Great Depression and a state decision to abandon the town to make way for the Dillon Reservoir forced the establishment to relocate once more, this time to Silverthorne (the original Dillon townsite was flooded under the reservoir). The Mint has clearly seen a lot, yet it's tough as nails and will most likely outlast us all.
Address: 347 Blue River Pkwy,. Silverthorne, CO 80498
Phone: 360-284-2517