The Journey of Teenagers
"The Journey of the Youth" is an enthralling anime series adapted from a web novel of the same name. It whisks viewers into a world steeped in martial arts mystique and brimming with secrets locked within a fabled golden coffin. Spanning two seasons, this captivating tale took the anime world by storm, with the first season airing from 2018 to 2019, and the second season following suit in 2020 to 2021.
Renowned for its impeccable animation, stirring musical compositions, and heart-pounding action sequences, "The Journey of the Youth" became a standout in the genre. Its allure even transcended the anime realm when it was reborn as a live-action drama series titled "The Blood of Youth" in 2022-2023.
The crux of the plot revolves around the coveted golden coffin, housing the martial arts world's most coveted secrets. When the enigmatic demise of the Hanshui Temple's master shrouds the coffin in intrigue, a maelstrom of factions and forces vies for control. In the midst of this chaos, a courageous band of young heroes, led by the valiant Lei Wujie, a disciple of the formidable Lei Clan, rises to safeguard the coffin and its enigmatic occupant, a young monk named Wuxin, intimately linked to the coffin's enigma.
As they traverse a treacherous path, these intrepid youths confront perilous threats, form unexpected alliances, and unearth the concealed truths behind both the golden coffin and their own destinies. "The Journey of the Youth" is a spellbinding odyssey of martial prowess, intrigue, and self-discovery that leaves a lasting impression on those who dare to embark on this unforgettable journey.
- Release date: July 2018
- Developed by: Bilibili and Sparkly Key Animation Studio
- Number of episodes: 44
- Watch here: