Thrones of Seal
"Thrones of Seal," also known as "Shen Yin Wangzuo," unfolds in a mesmerizing fantasy realm torn by an age-old conflict between humans and demons. This captivating anime series draws its inspiration from a web novel penned by Tang Jia San Shao, immersing viewers in a world where salvation for humanity hinges on the mystical prowess of the 12 temples, each symbolizing a distinct element and guardian deity.
At the heart of this epic tale stands Long Hao Chen, a young and determined boy who embarks on a perilous journey to save his afflicted mother, ensnared by the malevolent demon aura. Long Hao Chen possesses a remarkable gift, cultivating both the light and fire elements, thus earning him the esteemed title of Dual Knight. His fate becomes intertwined with that of Cai'er, a mysterious girl and the heir to the God of Death's legacy, as they forge a profound contract.
Together, Long Hao Chen and Cai'er confront daunting trials and formidable foes, driven by their aspiration to ascend as the mightiest knights and claim the revered Throne of Seal - the ultimate authority among humankind. "Thrones of Seal" weaves an enchanting narrative of adventure, romance, pulse-pounding action, and unwavering friendship, all within a vibrant and enchanting world brimming with the wonders of magic and martial arts.
- Release date: April 28, 2022
- Developed by: Shenman Entertainment
- Number of episodes: 62
- Watch here: