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The Last Breath of Thomas Edison

Although there have been a number of things that have persisted despite the passage of time, including dreadful death, this one is by far the most unexpected of them all because Thomas Edison's death in 1931 was supposed to be the end of it all.

Now, the widely-repeated theory regarding Edison's dying breath was that Henry Ford wanted it. the dying man's genuine breath as it left his mouth. Why? Ford and Edison were excellent friends in real life, with the younger man looking up to Edison as a sort of personal hero. Professionally, they respected one another, and Edison had been quite supportive of Ford's car ideas.

Ford requested that his son Charlie wait by Edison's side with a test tube and, when the time came, to record and seal the man's last breath. Edison was dying at the time. It seems like that was something friends did in the 1930s. There was a notion that Ford, a guy with a puzzling set of spiritual ideas, may have been attempting to capture Edison's soul in order to resurrect him.

The real-life incident is fairly comparable but less puzzling. When his father passed away, test tubes were in the room, according to Edison's son, who asked the visiting physician to paraffin-seal them. It may be said that some of his last breath was in those tubes. Ford did receive one of the eight that were available. It is on display at the Henry Ford Museum and may still contain some of Edison's soul. It's simply a small quibble that the Edison estate had 42 test tubes marked as containing Edison's final breath.

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