The Suspicious Housekeeper (2013)
The Suspicious Housekeeper, a remake of the Japanese hit drama, follows the story of Park Bo-nyeo (Choi Ji-woo), a mysterious housekeeper who began working for a family with Eun Sang-chul (Lee Sung-Jae) as the father and his four children were Han-Gyeol (Kim So-hyun), Doo-Gyeol (Chae Sang-Woo), Se-Gy (Kang Ji-Woo). Each of them has personal issues and terrible tales that are represented in the series, which teaches viewers the value of having a happy family unit.
With challenges and issues brought to the utmost degree, such as infidelity, suicide, vengeance, and rebellion, this play cannot be warm, but the message it implies is too powerful to ignore. Kim So-hyun excelled in her performance as Han-gyeol, earning her the New Star Award at the 21st SBS Drama Awards.
Detailed information:
Starring: Choi Ji-woo, Lee Sung-jae, Wang Ji-hye, Kim So-hyun
Original release: September 23 – November 26, 2013
Link to watch: