The Wild Life
"The Wild Life" is an animated adventure comedy film released in 2016. Directed by Vincent Kesteloot and Ben Stassen, this 3D computer-animated movie takes inspiration from Daniel Defoe's classic novel, "Robinson Crusoe," but with a unique twist. The story unfolds from the perspective of the island's resident animals.
Set on a picturesque, tiny exotic island, the film introduces the audiences to Tuesday, an outgoing parrot, and his eccentric animal companions who enjoy an idyllic life in paradise. However, Tuesday yearns for something more and dreams of exploring the world beyond their island home. Their lives take an exciting turn when a violent storm washes ashore a peculiar creature: Robinson Crusoe.
Immediately recognizing Crusoe as their ticket off the island and a chance for adventure, Tuesday befriends him. At the same time, Crusoe realizes that he needs the help of Tuesday and the other animals to survive on the island. Initially facing the challenge of communication barriers, as the animals don't speak "human," they gradually learn to coexist and form a harmonious community.
However, their peaceful existence is disrupted when two savage cats arrive, seeking to seize control of the island. A battle starts between the cats and the group of friends, but Crusoe and the animals soon understand the true strength of friendship over all difficulties (including nasty cats).
With its vibrant animation and engaging storyline, "The Wild Life" offers a delightful experience for viewers of all ages. This animated movie, available on YouTube, provides a wonderful option for families and children seeking entertaining and engaging animated films in Hindi. It combines adventure, humor, and heartfelt moments to deliver an unforgettable cinematic journey.
- Release Dates: 5 February 2016 (Brussels Animation Film Festival), 30 March 2016 (Belgium), 20 April 2016 (France)
- Directors: Vincent Kesteloot, Ben Stassen
- Writers: Lee Christopher, Domonic Paris, Graham Weldon
- Production Companies: StudioCanal, nWave Pictures, Illuminata Pictures
- Genres: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family
- Running Time: 90 minutes
- Watch Here: