Wish Dragon
"Wish Dragon" is a delightful animated film that combines fantasy, comedy, and adventure. Directed by Chris Appelhans and produced by Sony Pictures Animation and Tencent Pictures, this 2021 release is perfect for young viewers looking for animated movies in Hindi to enjoy on YouTube.
The story revolves around Din, a hardworking college student residing in Shanghai. One day, he receives a teapot from an elderly man, and to his surprise, a wishing dragon named Long emerges from it. Long possesses the ability to grant three wishes to his master, and Din eagerly takes advantage of this extraordinary opportunity.
With his first wish, Din seeks protection from a group of pursuers. For his second wish, he desires a temporary transformation into a wealthy prince to impress his childhood friend, Li Na. However, as the film progresses, Din's true identity is revealed, leading to unexpected complications. He must confront the consequences of his wishes and find a way to set things right.
Through its enchanting storyline, "Wish Dragon" explores significant themes such as friendship, identity, and the importance of appreciating the present.
- Release Dates: January 15, 2021 (China); June 11, 2021 (International)
- Director: Chris Appelhans
- Writer: Chris Appelhans
- Production Companies: Sony Pictures Animation, Tencent Pictures
- Genres: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Romance
- Running Time: 102 minutes
- Watch Here: http://tinyurl.com/3ce2ktm4