Thinking, Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman is the Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus and a professor of public affairs at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2002 for his groundbreaking work on decision-making with Amos Tversky. He wrote the international best-seller Thinking, Fast and Slow.

System 1 is quick, intuitive, and emotional, whereas System 2 is slower, more deliberate, and rational. The impact of overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulty of predicting what will make us happy in the future, and the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning our next vacation can only be understood by understanding how the two systems shape our judgments and decisions.

Kahneman engages the reader in a spirited discussion about how we think, revealing where we may and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can reap the benefits of slow thinking. He provides practical and illuminating insights into how we make decisions in both our professional and personal lives, as well as how we can employ various tactics to avoid the mental blunders that frequently get us into difficulty. Thinking, Fast and Slow was named one of the ten best books of 2011 by The New York Times Book Review and won the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize.

Author: Daniel Kahneman

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Best Sellers Rank: #4,425 in Books

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#40 in Cognitive Psychology (Books)

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