Toei Animation
Toei Animation is considered one of the most well-known animation studios, not only in Japan but also in the world. This studio was established in 1948 as Japan Animated Films. Then, this studio was renamed Toei Doga in 1956, and Toei Animation in 1998. Toei Animation has headquarters in Toei Animation.
They are best known for collaborating with major manga creators on shows like Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Saint Seiya, and Sailor Moon. In addition, Toei Animation is also recognized for its Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh! anime adaptations, as well as its work on a number of feature films and computer games.
Headquarters: Nerima, Tokyo, Japan
Year established: 1948
Top famous movies: Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996), World Trigger (2014-2016), Lovely Complex (2007), Yu-Gi-Oh! (1998), Digimon Adventure (1999), Dragon Ball Super (2015-2018), Sailor Moon (1992-1997), One Piece (1999), Pretty Cure (2004-2005), Slam Dunk (1993-1996),…