Triglycerides Tend to Drop Drastically
In your bloodstream, fat molecules called triglycerides can be found. High fasting triglyceride levels, or blood levels after an overnight fast, are well-known risk factors for heart disease.
Consumption of carbohydrates, particularly fructose, the simple sugar, is one of the main causes of increased triglycerides in sedentary people. A low-carb diet lowers triglycerides and the overall proportion of body fat. As glucose and glycogen levels fall as a result of eating fewer carbohydrates, it enables your body to access fat reserves for energy production. Since triglycerides make up the majority of fat, their levels are drastically dropping. So people typically notice a very dramatic drop in blood triglycerides when they cut back on carbohydrates. On the other hand, low-fat diets often result in an increase in triglycerides.