Top 14 in Top 15 Best WaterColor Paint Brands
With modern technology, along with the use of high-grade pigments and pure gum arabic, Japan's leading color manufacturer has launched Turner Artist Watercolor. This is an artist-grade watercolor, very durable, with impressive clarity and color gamut. The typical pigments from the Maya civilization have been painstakingly researched and restored by Turner firm. Turner owns a very terrible palette, up to 148 colors. In addition to the colors of the series A, B, C, F, Turner also has very special effect color sets.
Reasons to use Turner Artists Watercolor:
- Painter grade watercolor, Turner brand - Japan's leading color manufacturer.
- The pigment in color is extremely high, so the colors are vivid, clear and extremely durable.
- Do not contain impurities or chemicals that are harmful to the bristles.
- Ideal for professional watercolor artists and art students to practice watercolor painting with premium color quality.
Detailed information:
Website: www.turner.co.jp
Instagram: @turnercolourworks