
Tutor.com is one of the most trusted and well-known online tutoring services. It helps learners of all ages and stages, from kindergarten to college, continuing education, and careers. The tutors give students motivating and encouraging support to help them complete their tasks, improve their grades, and persist in their studies. Every day, thousands of students provide excellent feedback about their online tutoring experiences.
Tutor.com recruits teachers, professors, adjuncts, Ph.D. students, and industry experts who are enthusiastic about their fields and ready to help students learn. If you live in the United States or Canada and have a valid social security or social insurance number, you can apply to become a tutor on tutor.com. After completing the application form, you must pass your subject test, followed by a mock session. You can begin tutoring after a background check and final approval. Usually takes 1 to 3 weeks to finish the selection process, and your chances of acceptance increase if you pass their recommended subjects (Calculus, Physics, etc). Your pay will be decided on the subject you teach. To learn about the pay structure, you must first complete the first application and subject exam.
Website: tutor.com