Typing Quick and Easy

Typing Quick & Easy teaches kids how to type to music in order to develop a sense of rhythm. It has over 50 tracks, although some of the most frequent functions included in the program we evaluated are missing.
There is no virtual typing coach, for example, and no words of encouragement appear during the lessons. Furthermore, while Typing Quick & Easy does not have as many games as Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz, the quality of the games is far superior. Despite this, it has all of the important elements we were looking for, such as customizable word-per-minute goals and a large number of stories and sections to practice on.
We believe this product is best suited to older pupils based on our testing. Although the software is simple enough for a small child to use, the product's no-frills, music-based instruction may appeal to a more sophisticated audience.
One advantage is that the program just costs $14.99 once, making it the cheapest software we tested that you can buy outright. Typing Quick and Easy, on the other hand, can only be used by one person; unlike other programs, it does not allow you to create several user profiles.
+ Good mini-games
+ Customizable lessons
+ Good music choice
+ No virtual typing tutor