Unexpected Stories By Octavia E. Butler

Unexpected Stories is an unexpected gift by any standard. This slim but powerful collection contains two stories by one of the most important figures in modern science fiction, Octavia E. Butler, that have recently been unearthed and have never been published before. "A Necessary Being" transports us to the heart of an alien culture with a strict hierarchical system based on caste and skin color. With the arrival of visitors from a distant mountain tribe, the Rohkohn society is confronted with the sudden prospect of profound social change.

The title character in the second story, "Childfinder", is a woman who uses her psychic abilities to find children with similar nascent abilities and protect them from the abuses of a predatory society. These are early stories, but they are clear reflections of a powerful and unique talent, and their publication is a significant literary event. One of those surprises is Unexpected Stories. It's a book that many of Butler's fans have been waiting for, whether they knew it or not. Unexpected Stories will be published for the first time in print by Subterranean Press, with a newly commissioned introduction by Nisi Shawl and an afterword by Butler's longtime agent and literary executor, Merrilee Heifetz.

Link to read: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22023917-unexpected-stories

Unexpected Stories By Octavia E. Butler
Unexpected Stories By Octavia E. Butler
Unexpected Stories By Octavia E. Butler
Unexpected Stories By Octavia E. Butler

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