University of Zilina
On October 1, 1953, the College of Railways in Prague became the University of Ilina. In 1959, the university renamed itself the University of Transport and relocated to Ilina. The name of the university was changed to the University of Transport and Communications in 1980 as a result of the growing importance of communications in the curriculum and research direction of the university.
Following extensive modifications at the start of the 1990s, the University of Ilina was renamed again on November 20, 1996, by a law passed by the Slovak National Council. This move reflected the University's educational restructuring, which emphasizes effective theoretical and professional preparation, communications skills, use of information and telecommunication technologies, marketing, economics, and law, as well as future customer expectations.
The University of Ilina is the sole university in the Slovak Republic's northwest region. The University is unusual in Slovakia in terms of professional profile, since it has a long history of delivering education in the sectors of transportation and communications. Furthermore, the University developed into an educational institution with a broad profile in many areas of science, technology, economics, management, and, more recently, educational and natural sciences throughout its most recent period of expansion.
Across the region and country, the University works closely with transportation, telecommunications, and industrial firms, as well as public and private institutions. In addition, the University contributes to the technological and operational development of transportation and telecommunication systems, networks, and services, which are critical for the Slovak Republic's future economic and social development.
Address: Univerzitná 8215, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
TopUniversities ranking: 801