Use ChatGPT for Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
Many freelancers opt for sole proprietorship to keep costs down, often grappling with challenges and crucial decisions independently. Fortunately, ChatGPT can function as a reliable companion in such instances. Whether you're navigating a difficult decision or encountering a complex problem, ChatGPT offers insights and suggestions to support your decision-making.
While ChatGPT's responses are based on information available up to September 2021, the AI remains adept at providing practical tips and advice for straightforward technical issues, as exemplified in the image below.
For instance, you can seek assistance by saying:
- "ChatGPT, I'm experiencing difficulty connecting my Bluetooth devices to Windows 10. Guide me through troubleshooting this issue."
- "ChatGPT, I'm currently facing a challenge in my ongoing project. [Provide context.] Could you propose strategies to overcome this obstacle?"
- "I'm in the process of choosing between two potential clients for an upcoming project. [Provide context.] Assist me in weighing the pros and cons of each."