One of the primary protagonists of the Dragon Ball anime, Vegeta, or more precisely Vegeta IV, also known as Prince Vegeta, is the prince of the vanished Saiyan species and the spouse of Bulma, the parent of Trunks and Bulla, the oldest son of King Vegeta. High marks have been given to Vegeta's great character growth, which is seen to be the biggest in the series.
Although Vegeta from Dragon Ball is a fiery Saiyan, he is also the devoted and guardian prince that fans have come to know and love. Even while Vegeta was first shown to viewers as a monster who sought to eliminate the Z warriors, he eventually learned to appreciate Earth and all of its people, even coming to regard Earth as his home. Vegeta receives a fair amount of screen time in the Dragon Ball anime series, but viewers only truly get to see him in his later years. It has also been demonstrated that Vegeta is among the series' smarter and most solemn characters, never displaying comedy.
In a Vegeta-focused spin-off, viewers of Dragon Ball may discover more about Vegeta's history, from the destruction of Planet Vegeta through his initial arrival on Earth alongside Nappa. The writers might even be able to concentrate on Vegeta's life from Dragon Ball Z's conclusion to Dragon Ball GT's start.
Anime: Dragon Ball