In Nintendo's Mario franchise, a fictional adversary named Wario is created as Mario's sworn enemy. He debuted as the game's main antagonist and boss. His name is a combination of Mario's name and the bad-sounding Japanese word warui. Charles Martinet, who also provides the vocals for many other characters in the series, including Mario, Luigi, and Waluigi, created Wario.
The Wario Land and WarioWare video game franchises, available on handheld and console platforms, have made Wario into both a protagonist and an antagonist. He has appeared in other Nintendo properties as well, including the crossover fighting game series Super Smash Bros., in addition to Mario series spin-offs. He has also appeared in various forms of media, such as the graphic novel Super Mario Adventures. The character has been generally well-received by critics.
First appearance: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (1992)