Wise Man's Grandchild
The Wise Man's Grandchild, commonly known as Kenja no Mago, is an anime adaptation of the Tsuyoshi Yoshioka and Seiji Kikuchi light novel series. The 2019 anime's popularity has grown as a result of its blend of fantasy, magic, and isekai (another world) aspects. The narrative centers on Shin Wolford, a young person who perishes in a horrible accident and is reborn in a fantastical setting. He is fostered by the able magician Merlin Walford, who gives him the name Shin and instructs him in a number of magical and combat techniques. Shin develops into a powerful mage while growing up in a remote woodland far from civilization.
Shin enrolls in the Magic Academy of the Kingdom of Earlshide when he turns 15 in order to further his abilities and socialize. Shin has amazing magical talents, but because of his solitary upbringing, he lacks common sense and social awareness. The anime follows his adventure as he adjusts to academy life, meets new people, and uses his abilities to save the people he loves.
The Silver Link animation company created The Wise Man's Grandchild. It has captivating character designs, powerful magical combat, and colorful, dynamic animation. Among the talented voice performers in the voice cast are Yusuke Kobayashi as Shin Wolford, Shhei Komatsu as August von Earlshide, and Ysaku Yara as Merlin Walford. The 12-episode first season of the anime, which spans a sizable chunk of the light novel series, is all there is. The humorous and fun tone, character growth, and display of magical skills in the anime adaptation all got favorable reviews.
Genre: Action, comedy, fantasy, magic, and isekai (another world)
Original Creator: The light novel series written by Tsuyoshi Yoshioka and illustrated by Seiji Kikuchi
Season and Episodes:12 episodes
Watch here: https://9animetv.to/watch/wise-mans-grandchild-5498?ep=41741