Wordnik is an online English dictionary that provides definitions from a variety of sources including the American English Heritage Dictionary. When you search for a word in Wordnik you will see loads of definitions, usage examples taken from various online sources, lists of synonyms and antonyms, related words, etc. This online resource provides many definitions and cross-references so that not only can we easily access the dictionary, but also so that we can keep up with popular culture and learn about new words and terms.
The CEO argues that Wordnik's key differentiator is the technology that underlies both the dictionary and the product. The product offered is new related content, focusing on the “meaning of words”. Wordnik is built with technology to search the web and find related sentences that illustrate the meaning of new words, and the same technology can help make relevant content recommendations. To provide those recommendations, Wordnik looks at the tags, titles, categories, and content of the page then looks for other pages with similar content. Those pages may come from the same publisher or they may be on other sites in the Wordnik network. Today, Wordnik is more than just an online dictionary with an extended beta launch, which web publishers can install on their site — when someone reaches the bottom of the page, Wordnik suggests other sites they might want to check out.
Website: https://www.wordnik.com/