WorldCat, a worldwide catalog of library collections, empowers users to explore books, journals, articles, and other materials held by libraries across the globe. This website is one of the best websites to use for research. Established in 1971 and managed by OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), a nonprofit organization serving libraries worldwide, it serves as a comprehensive resource for library services and research tools.
WorldCat encompasses bibliographic records for an extensive collection of over 2 billion items, spanning books, journals, DVDs, and various other materials held by libraries worldwide. Users can conduct searches based on author, title, subject, or keyword, with search results showcasing the libraries that possess the desired item, along with accompanying information.
WorldCat offers a valuable advantage by enabling users to uncover materials that may not be accessible through their local libraries or conventional catalog systems. This proves particularly beneficial for researchers seeking specialized resources or individuals in search of out-of-print or hard-to-find materials.
- Provides access to a vast collection of library catalogs worldwide.
- Enables users to search for books, journals, multimedia, and other materials.
- Offers interlibrary loan options to access resources not available locally.
- Availability of materials can vary based on library holdings.
- Limited to physical materials and may not include all online resources.