Yttygran Island

Yttygran is a small hilly island located in the Bering Sea. The famous 'Whale Bone Alley,' a one-of-a-kind memorial to old whaler culture, is located there. This monument is unique to the Chukotka region, if not the entire Arctic region.

Two rows of whalebones, over 1000 feet or 300 meters long, constitute the lane. Whale skulls are grouped into 15 groupings for the row closer to the sea. A row of jawbones can be found if you look higher. They soar 5 meters above the ground when dug vertically. As part of a tour, you can witness the famed "Whale Bone Alley".

Whale bone alley, located on the northern shore of Yttygran island (from the Chukchi Etgyran, "midway homes"), contains a great number of precisely organized whale heads, whale bones, and stones, as well as a significant number of meat storage trenches. Whale Bone Alley is supposed to have served as a focal shrine for a number of settlements dispersed around the eastern Chukotkan coast.

Location: Bering Sea

Area: 55 km²

Source: Heritage Expeditions
Source: Heritage Expeditions
Source: Let'S TOP TV

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